Monday Jul 11, 2022
154 Mountain Dew Review
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
News, What We're Watching and a Mountain Dew Review!!
The coloring contest is in full swing and if you would like to enter go to snarftalk.com/coloring print out the PDF, color it, scan it, and email it back to us at info@snarftalk.com The contest has been extended to August 1st, so get your entries in now!!
Only a couple pieces of news to talk about Actor James Cann sadly passed away, and a spin off show of Hawkeye named ECHO, has some casting news that is bringing back some huge names from the MARVEL universe that we are very excited about.
We have a lot to tell you on what we're watching, but the main element of the show is a review of 16 different Mountain Dew flavors!! This review was challenging to say the least! 16 different flavors was hard to get through to say the least, but we did it. We are very curious as to why Mountain Dew has so many flavors now, and if you"re curious on how they all stack up to the original, well sit down and listen because we rank them all!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON
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Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
153 Men with Mimosas
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Another new seltzer, news and what we watchin!
Jerry decided to grab the strangest drink he could find in a Seltzer form to review and decided on some Vizzy Mimosas. There's twelve in the pack and 4 different flavors so the guys get after it right away to see what they're like.
The coloring contest is in full swing and if you would like to enter go to snarftalk.com/coloring print out the PDF color it, scan it, and email it back to us at info@snarftalk.com
There was a little bit of news this week, but a whole lot of what we're watching. So the fellas jump right into it, Obi-Wan, The Boys and many many more!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON
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Please subscribe and leave us a review on the Apple Podcast App or iTunes, and send us your feedback, comments, and show ideas!
Monday Jun 13, 2022
152 Sippin on some Sodies
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
News, New comic Wednesday, Bud Light Hard Soda, and what we're watching!
Back in the studio for episode 152, and the night starts off with some Snarf-nouncements of course. The coloring contest is in full swing and if you would like to enter go to snarftalk.com/coloring print out the PDF color it, scan it, and email it back to us at info@snarftalk.com
We have some news to cover, nothing too much happening around the entertainment world because of one thing. Johnny Depp has been vindicated!! Oh yes we talk about that again. New trailers have been released and an announcement was made for a new show coming on amazon prime that Jerry seems excited about, kind of??
We have a pack of Bud Light Seltzer Hard Sodas, through-out the episode we crack open a new one and tell you how it is. I will say this pack of seltzers was much easier to get down than any other we have had.
Oh man, there is a lot of what we're watching. Doctor Strange and the multiverse of madness gets reviewed, then theirs Top Gun that needs to be discussed. Obi-Wan is still out and that will be talked about. Many more are in the fold but may be cut short on time, I don't know. Check out this jam packed episode and have some fun!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON
Thank you for being a friend!
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Please subscribe and leave us a review on the Apple Podcast App or iTunes, and send us your feedback, comments, and show ideas!
Tuesday May 24, 2022
151 Peanut Butter Parley
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
A Guest, Peanut Butter, Snarfnouncments, and what we're watching!
Yes! Thats right folks Snarf is back with another episode!! Number 151, Finally! What better way to kick off this episode than to have a guest with us!! At this point, I don't think he's a guest anymore, more of another host; The Dude has returned!!! He was gone for a long while in Texas for work, but has now come back for good, and we love to have him on.
SnarfTalks 2022 Coloring contest has started!! Go to snarftalk.com/coloring and download the pdf for you to print. Color it at home, scan it, and e-mail it back to us! There is a kids competition for children 12 and younger and an adult competition for 13 and up!! Both will win prizes respectively, and who ever wins we want your original to hang on the Snarf Studio wall!!!
Ok, after the announcements Jerry goes on an absolute rampage over Peanut Butter!! Peter Pan, Reese', Skippy, all natural, Jif, great value, you name it and the guys have their opinions on it. This topic gets serious!
Finally, we have some news, and what we're watching. There have been so many shows to cover during this time off, that it will run into other shows. If we didn't talk about a show you've been waiting for, I guarantee it will be coming up in the next few episodes for sure. So tune in and ENJOY!!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON
Thank you for being a friend!
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Please subscribe and leave us a review on the Apple Podcast App or iTunes, and send us your feedback, comments, and show ideas!
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
150 We’ve Got A Cake
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Snarfnouncements, What we're watching, and Celebration!!!
We have finally made it folks! Episode 150 is in the books. Chris and Jerry start reminiscing of episodes past right off the bat. Thats turns quickly though into dreaming of what could be for the future!!! We have a coloring contest coming your way once again! You could win a $50 Amazon gift card, so make sure you download the PDF and color your hearts out!!!
We have been watching a lot of things, Peacemaker, Moon Knight, Book of Boba, plus more.
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON
Thank you for being a friend!
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Please subscribe and leave us a review on the Apple Podcast App or iTunes, and send us your feedback, comments, and show ideas!
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
149.5 Back from the Dead
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
We are back and ready to wreck your evening!!!
Yes sir! Snarf is back after a long break!! That doesn't mean Snarf has changed, we have not. We have the same amount of ridiculousness that you have come to love!!!
This episode is chalk full of what we have watched, what we have been doing in the last couple months, and what we plan for the future!!! Yes episode 150 is coming to you, we are ready to bare all!! Chris is going to take his shirt off, and we are going to have a cake dedicated to all the listeners that have stood by us for the last 3 years!! The first thing to do is go to our Patreon page for the Christmas album of 3 new songs that we recorded especially for you!! This will blow your minds! We have a special podcast called Alex talk that will be available as well, our special guest Alex has finally received his own episode!!! This is a first in Snarf history!! We cant wait for you to hear our 150th episode!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON
Thank you for being a friend!
@Snarftalk Instagram
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Please subscribe and leave us a review on the Apple Podcast App or iTunes, and send us your feedback, comments, and show ideas!
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
149 Plan for the Future
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Thoughts of the future, and Ideas for our 150th episode!!!!
Chris and Jerry spend the next two hours telling you about what they have watched, seen and believed!! So many things are coming for the future of Snarf!! We have dreamt them up in this episode! All in preparation for our 150th celebration!! This episode is historic, and we are so on point for everything you know of Snarf!!!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
Thank you for being a friend!
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Please subscribe and leave us a review on the Apple Podcast App or iTunes, and send us your feedback, comments, and show ideas!
Monday Dec 06, 2021
148 Seltzers and Trivia
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Bud Light Ugly Sweater Seltzers are reviewed with a guest, and Trivia!!!
Thats right we have a guest back!! Alex has joined us once again, it has been quite some time since Alex was last on the show, but we are thrilled to have him back. Its something about having guest on the shows where all hell breaks loose, and this one is no different, we have a lot of fun this episode. We start out with our new segment "SNARFNOUNCMENTS!" Just to fill you in on whats coming up the pipeline for Snarf, we have a lot going on with C@E@ coming up this week, Christmas, and our 150th Show celebration!!
Alex brought the Seltzers for us to review, Jerry was not overly thrilled as the last pack we tried was not his favorite. Turns out these may not be much different, I will say they aren't horrible, but the flavors are interesting to say the least.
Last but not least we head in to some Trivia that Chris found for us, we give it a whirl with the first game all about Batman! Who will win Chris, Jerry, or Alex???
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
Thank you for being a friend!
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Please subscribe and leave us a review on the Apple Podcast App or iTunes, and send us your feedback, comments, and show ideas!
Monday Nov 22, 2021
147 The Pickle Review
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
News, a possible spring stretcher, Pickle Review and what we're watching!!
The guys have some news to fill you in on in the entertainment business, nothing too exciting. That turns into a discussion on whether or not Jerry has a spring Stretcher or something that is just a mild annoyance. He thinks its a mild annoyance, Chris says its definitely a Spring Stretcher. Either way stop saying these those two things!!!
Smack dab in the middle of the show we get into our pickle review! Jerry has brought 8 different kinds of pickles, 2 varieties of Claussen pickles, which he says is the base pickle that everything is judged from. Then he has 6 other varieties from Green Kamikozees pickle company. This company pickles almost anything under the sun, and the variety of flavors for their pickles is absolutely amazing. Chris and Jerry had a blast trying all of these flavors, you will not be disappointed.
Finally we have some what we're watching. Jerry has went to the movies a couple times and saw some Bond, some Rons gone wrong, and Netflixed and chilled by himself watching The Rock and Ryan Reynolds run around. Chris doesn't watch TV anymore because he's an over worked farmer, that is struggling with seasonal depression and malnutrition. But Jerry's a ball of joy still!!
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
Check out www.greenkamikozees.com
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Please subscribe and leave us a review on the Apple Podcast App or iTunes, and send us your feedback, comments, and show ideas!
Monday Nov 15, 2021
146 Who Plays Jacks?
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
General Conversation, News, and What we're watching!!
The fellas are up to it again, always taking two times to try and record a podcast because the internet is not your friend! It of course ends up successful and this is what you get, an amalgamation of stories and humor found nowhere else than at the heart of the Snarf Talk conversation.
Jerry starts the show with just some interesting talking points, that the world has been wondering. Cereal bags? Whats the deal with cereal bags, can we not get a zippered version? Socks, there has to be a better way to sew socks together, than the process they have now. Leaving that little nub of material at the end where your toes go. Don't they know children hate that feeling?
We have a little bit of news with a new trailer being released last week called Lightyear, the story of how Buzz Lightyear comes to be. They touch on a few other things and then head right into What we're watching. Jerry had absolutely nothing other than the recap of Locke and Key Season 2, both of the fellas finally give their reviews of the most recent season. Chris had quite a few shows he had been watching and dives into all of them to end the show.
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
Thank you for being a friend!
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Please subscribe and leave us a review on the Apple Podcast App or iTunes, and send us your feedback, comments, and show ideas!