Monday Dec 07, 2020
105 Top 10 Breakfast Foods
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
We have some news, What we're watching, and of course a top 10!!
There is a bit of news this week, HBO Max and Warner Brothers dropped a huge bomb to the movie world this week, when they released that all of there 2021 movies will drop on HBO Max on the same day they are theatrically released!! Movie theaters are pissed, but people are loving it, the future of theaters is up in the air because of this announcement! We found out that the Mike Tyson fight was an absolute joke, and Zak Snyders Justice League cut is coming sooner than we expected.
Chris and Jerry haven't watched much, but Star Wars Rebels, Survivor, and Mandalorian are discussed.
Then we get into it, our Top 10 Breakfast foods!! We had some rules though, its not just a specific ingredient like Bacon, or Eggs. It had to be a meal, you could have the classic bacon and eggs, but you need to specify how the eggs are cooked and how the bacon is. Chris and Jerry are somewhat similar, but pretty different as well. This was a fun top 10 that will for sure make you hungry by the end!!
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
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Monday Nov 30, 2020
104 Don't Jammie My Dodger
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
We have news, top 5 Thanksgiving foods, What we're watching, and a guest!!
A pretty good show that Chris and Jerry enjoyed on Amazon has been cancelled after 1 season. Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Junior had there fight and boy was it a doozy. Disney is going to make a new Predator movie with director Dan Trachtenberg, that is set in the past with native Americans. Jerry seems intrigued but Chris is on the fence.
We have a surprise guest in this episode, our first female guest ever on the show, Chris' sister Mandy stormed in and took over like she owned the place. She sticks it through the whole show and gives us her top 5 thanksgiving foods!
We get into what we're watching, Jerry is obsessed with survivor, Chris and Jerry both love Mandalorian, and Mandy watches kid shows apparently.
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
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Monday Nov 23, 2020
103 I'm no Cartographer
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Covid, News, Maps and globes, and What We're Watching
Once again Covid has taken control of everything and people are swamping the hospitals worse than it was this spring. Chris and Jerry discus some situations going on around them and different articles they've read about the vaccines and mask wearing.
For a lite news week we had some big stories, the bombshell that dropped earlier in the weeks was that Wonder Woman 1984 is coming to HBO max to stream on December 25th in conjunction with its theatrical release. Which means you have the option to go out to the movies or stay in with you family and watch it from home. Pretty neat! Supernatural has reached the end, and had there series finale on Thursday night after 15 seasons. Lastly Showtime is bringing back a huge fan favorite after ten years of being done, Dexter! The lovable murderer is coming back in 2021 for at least 1 more season.
Moving into what we're watching, Chris has some great shows he's been getting into and Jerry has been trapped in a dirty world of reality TV. Either-way, sit back relax and strap it down, Snarf Is ON!!!
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
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Monday Nov 16, 2020
102 Viewing for Mando
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
We have a lot of news, some what we're watching and a Star Wars viewing order!
We start off number 102 with a lot of news, like Johnny Depp leaving Fantastic beasts number 3, or how about a petition to get Amber heard off of Aqua-man 2!! All because they beat each other!!! Crazy right!?!?! Disney Plus is breaking there own records for subscriptions, Jerrys celebrity crush Karen Gilan has a new movie coming out, and Showtime is going to put out a Halo tv series!!! So much to discuss before we get into the meat and potatoes.
What are the Star Wars movies and shows you would need to watch before taking in the Mandalorian you ask? Well i'm glad you did ask that question, Chris and Jerry have exactly what you need, What Star Wars movies and shows to watch before ever getting into the Mandalorian. Mind you, this is what Chris and Jerry believe to be the essential viewings, but not necessarily the right way to watch Star Wars. Watching Star Wars just because would be different, but watching it to prepare for the Mandalorian is different. Not everything in the canon is necessary.
Then it moves to what we're watching, Chris has the same old crap he watches all of the time that nobody enjoys but him, and then Jerry was introduced to a new show on Amazon called Wayne. He seems to be enjoying the first 5 episodes so far! So sit back, relax and strap it down, Snarf Talk is ramming into our ear holes now!!
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
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Monday Nov 09, 2020
101 Top 10 Sean Connery Movies
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Some news, what we're watching and a top 10!
Sean Connery passed away at the end of October, and a friend of the show had requested a Sean Connery top 10 before, so we thought it would be a fitting tribute to the legendary actor. We do the top 10 in the second half of the show like always, so firt we have some news!
Another legend passed away this last week, and that was Alex Trebek, after a 2 year battle with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Jeopardy will never be the same. Moving on from sad news, Chris gets into a couple new shows that Disney plus has released press releases for. Upcoming is a Willow show that will still involve the same actors and directors. Sounds pretty great!
We haven't been watching a whole lot, but what we have been watching is incredible. The Mandalorian has premiered and we have some spoiler filled tak about the first 2 episodes.
Sit back relax and strap it down, Snarf is on.........now!
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
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Monday Nov 02, 2020
100 Snarf Centennial
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
We have made it!! Our 100th episode is in the books.
This episode is a bit of a retrospective of sorts, we go through some of our past episodes and reflect on what we have done. We have a guest on as well, Mr Blaze is back with us for his second time and what a show for him to back for!
We are extremely appreciative of all the support for the show from our friends, family, local community, and all the new friends we have made over the past 100 weeks. We are proud of what has come of this show and we plan on making it even better in the next 100 episodes. So as always sit back, relax and getcha some Snarf!
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
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Monday Oct 26, 2020
099 Top 10 War Movies
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
The Dude, some news, what we.re watching and a Top 10!
Thats right, for episode 99 the Dude joins us again to participate in a top 10 with us!
First we of course start off with some random banter back and forth, talking about rats that have a shared brain, or a sort of telekinesis, then onto the Crow and Grey Owl genocide that is taking place right now around us as we speak!!! Pretty intense!!
We have a short what we're watching segment, involving Utopia, Star Trek, Yellowstone, and Mr. Mercedes. Some pretty interesting shows there if you are looking for something different to watch, any of those are a good pick in our book.
Then onto the long and final segment Top 10 War Movies, man was this one fun. There are a ton of movie's to pick from, but we have narrowed it down to our top 10's. That i must say are not honestly that close to each others, each list was kind of its own thing. It's probably the most different Chris, Jerry, and Dude have ever been. As always, sit back and strap it down, Snarf Talk is on!!! Enjoy
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
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Monday Oct 19, 2020
098 Goat Kickin Donkeys
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Slow gin fizz, plums and prunes, goats, Llamas, and Donkeys.
There is a little bit of everything in this episode, Jerry and Chris as always have conversation about almost anything that pops into there heads. Like what you ask? Like, what is a slow gin fizz?? Are prunes and plums of the same family or could they even be the same thing? Chris raised goats at one point, he also had a Llama that dropped dead, and a donkey that had a problem with goats.
We also get into a few little pieces of news, no nudity will be had for the Shire! Thats right, the new Lord of the Rings series coming to Amazon Prime next year will be a fully clothed show, no such thing as a naked hobbit! Disney plus has a new movie coming out soon called "Soul" that seems to be gaining a lot of good reviews! And the 90's movie "I know what you did last summer" is getting a reboot into the TV series world.
We have some what we're watching like always as well, so sit back and strap it down, Snarf Talk is coming at ya!
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
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Monday Oct 12, 2020
097 Howdy Doody Snarf!
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
We have a guest! Along with news and what we're watching!!!
Howdy has joined us this week!! A new guest Greg, Chris's brother-in-law who we call Howdy joined the podcast and gave us his insight on daily life in Mazon, in the early lives of Jerry and Chris! Jerry apparently didn't like pizza at this point in his life... WHAT???
We elaborate on Howdy's life with Jerry and Chris, and the get into the news! JJ Abraham announced a movie in line with a Dr Seuss, thats makes me of all the places we could go! Lots of things we talk about tonight. Some of what we're watching and some of what everyone else watches...
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
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Monday Oct 05, 2020
096 Top 10 Nicolas Cage Films
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
News, what we're watching and another top 10!!
Yes we are back with another fancy edition of Snarf Talk!! We did something this week that was a first for us, stepping into new territory of the live stream. Yes, thats right we live streamed this episode of Snarf Talk to the whole world to see!! It is on our Facebook page, you can go and watch it there. We will continue to live stream every Thursday night, along with our regular scheduled Monday releases and youtube released content, so do not fear.
We start off with some news, and what we're watching and then jump right into our Top 10!!
Top 10 Nicolas Cage movies!! You know he was a Coppala right!?!?! Good ole' Nic Cage is incredible, we love his movies and how crazy he is. Stick around for another fabulous top 10!
Tee Shirts and Sweatshirts are available for purchase online and from our website. Make sure to get in contact with us to get yours purchased today!!
As always thanks for listening and go ahead and leave comments or reviews on any of our Social Media links below, and make sure to check out our multi-cam video podcast NOW ON YOUTUBE!
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